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Our articles are written by Marketscience consultants with extensive academic backgrounds and offers practical thoughts and ideas based on our experience with some of the largest organizations and our ties to academic institutions. 

retail roi

Data-Driven Domination: How AI and Analytics are Fueling Growth and Brand Loyalty in Retail

From e-commerce boom to cautious optimism, the retail industry has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. The pandemic's golden age, fueled by digital dependency and excess stimulus, gave way to a period of recalibration, marked by rising costs, shifting priorities, and a renewed focus on efficiency and customer experience. But how do we navigate this new landscape? How can ...
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marketer's manual cover

Marketscience x Marketing Week: a guide to a more rigorous approach to Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM)

As the first piece of research to be published in Marketing Week Marketer's Manual, Marketscience provides a strong point of view around ...
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ai and Marketing mix modeling

Marketing Attribution and the AI Illusion

Marketscience's Peter Cain recently published an Editorial piece in the 4th Issue of I-COM's Frontiers of Marketing - Data Science Journal. Peter ...
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the five pillars for marketing roi success - marketscience

Successful ROI Marketing Programs – The Five Pillars

Everybody is looking for a quick fix when embarking on a new Marketing ROI Program. They think the latest trendy platform or ...
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Foundations of modern marketing mix modelling

The Foundations of Modern Marketing Mix Modeling

The Marketing Mix Model is a popular business tool designed to quantify marketing Return on Investment (ROI), guide the optimal allocation of ...
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How to measure brand equity

Brand Equity Metrics and the Marketing Mix Model

Conventional MMM is short-term focused The conventional Marketing Mix Model (MMM) deals predominantly with short-term marketing effectiveness, where dynamic specification in the ...
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Selection bias

Endogeneity And The Marketing Mix Model

Overview A key focus for most marketing managers is optimal allocation of the marketing budget. This relies heavily on correct causal attribution ...
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Correlation vs. Causation: Measuring Short- and Long-Term Effects of Marketing Investments

For decades MMM has been seen as a way to identify the "50% of advertising spend that is wasted". However, failure to ...
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COVID-19 Impact on Measuring Marketing Effectiveness: ISBA Member Presentation

Presented by: PricewaterhouseCoopers & Marketscience April-May 2021                     Recently, top tier consulting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
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COVID Impact: Measurement & Analytics Q&A

In the wake of COVID’s impact, the questions and uncertainty that surround measurement and analytics grows larger by the day. With such ...
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