Peter Cain

Dr. Cain is widely known for championing the use of dynamic modeling techniques to capture long-term brand effects that provide a complete measure of ROMI. Peter founded Marketscience with the goal of blending academic, commercially relevant analytics and strategic advice for business. He has more than 20 years of commercial and academic experience in economics and marketing science designing econometric business solutions for blue-chip companies and organizations. Dr. Cain has experience consulting across a wide range of industries and writes extensively on economics and econometrics in marketing. He regularly publishes in top peer-reviewed journals. Before marketing research, Dr. Cain was in academia, specializing in monetary economics and econometrics. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Economics from the University of Warwick, and PhD in Monetary Economics from the University of Nottingham.

The Foundations of Modern Marketing Mix Modeling

The Marketing Mix Model is a popular business tool designed to quantify marketing Return on Investment (ROI), guide the optimal allocation of marketing resources and inform sales forecasting. The foundations of modern Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) comprise four main pillars. 1. Microeconomic consumer theory Successful MMM requires a solid understanding of the product demand curve. […]

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Brand Equity Metrics and the Marketing Mix Model

Conventional MMM is short-term focused The conventional Marketing Mix Model (MMM) deals predominantly with short-term marketing effectiveness, where dynamic specification in the form of Adstocks focuses on ‘mean reverting’ or transitory effects over several weeks or months. However, long-term effects, reflecting the persistent changes in core brand preferences inherent in genuine brand-building behaviour, are often

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Correlation vs. Causation: Measuring Short- and Long-Term Effects of Marketing Investments

For decades MMM has been seen as a way to identify the “50% of advertising spend that is wasted”. However, failure to acknowledge two fundamental issues will risk continued waste through misestimation of both Performance and Brand Marketing, resulting in suboptimal allocation of marketing investment and significantly reduced marketing effectiveness. Modern Marketing Mix Models have

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COVID-19 Impact on Measuring Marketing Effectiveness: ISBA Member Presentation

Presented by: PricewaterhouseCoopers & Marketscience April-May 2021                     Recently, top tier consulting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and advanced marketing analytics consultancy, Marketscience, had the pleasure of presenting together to ISBA members on the impact that COVID-19 has had on measuring marketing effectiveness. Marketscience & PwC have worked together

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The Six Questions You Should Be Asking Your Marketing Analytics Vendor

Anyone who tells you that Marketing Analytics is an exact science is wrong. The algorithms, the data, the optimizations and the simulations can all lead to many different outcomes depending on who and how it is processed and measured. When done correctly, there is much to gain. One can optimize budgets and increase returns on

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Demystifying MMM

Uncovering the Realistic Capabilities of Marketing Mix Modeling It’s 2017: you’re explaining to your CMO, CFO, and other department leads about the vast opportunities that Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) can unearth for your brand. You run your audience through various scenarios and examples that showcase these opportunities in detail. The promise of a ‘new way

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The Future of Media Measurement

Has the time for an accountability approach arrived?  After the recent news of Comscore’s Chief Executive Bryan Wiener and President Sarah Hofstetter stepping down, we started thinking about the future of media measurement and reporting. As a category, the currency for trading is suffering; with investment dollars increasingly shifting out of TV and into digital, companies like

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