Times are Tough. We Hope This Helps.
As an ambiguous future lies ahead of us, we asked ourselves how we can best support you – our cherished community – in such challenging times. We know many of you have been impacted significantly by COVID and have questions about how to best measure its effects.
In our line of work, a big part of addressing a crisis starts with understanding current and future impact. And a big part of that understanding starts with data.
To that end, we have assembled a downloadable database, using public data sources across the U.S., UK, and Canada, and included state-by-state info such as: lock-down dates, school closures, number of cases, hospitalizations, macro-economic trends, and more. This data can be used alongside other variables in an MMM analysis and forecasted to help you understand current and future impact on business.
If you have further questions on the data, using the database, or simply want to have a candid discussion around COVID’s business impact, please feel free to contact us directly.
We hope that by sharing this data we provide you with a small amount of relief under such uncertain circumstances.
To download the U.S. database (updated as of 6/21) click here: https://we.tl/t-7jRSvoaoZZ
To download the Canadian database (updated as of 5/25) click here: https://we.tl/t-bMolMbWoDY
To download the U.K. database (updated as of 6/11) click here: https://we.tl/t-1yLKbHGj3M